Last night when nothing to do at kampung, Try to capture this moon. Just using my ordinary lens. Just wondering if this was taken by 500mm reflex lens.. Hihihihi.. 

Then i try to shoot some smoke by changing flash angle and video light.. then the last one was taken from the 3rd picture's smoke - rotate and do the mirror image to create that image.. Cao'
That's a pretty cool shot man.. Very cool indeed...
wah! gelap pun buli bikin bokeh, yet the smoke masih visible.
tunjuk ajar ku sifuuu keke
Hahahaha.. lagu apa ko mo belajar..? Bah bulih bah kalau ko cicak-cicak di dinding.. ahahaha
tu asap ba... alawa!
hi bro pic bro shot tu..kagum2
just experimenting bah ni guys.. thanks for the comments
oh bulan..
enggan melayan diriku lagi..
air mata membasahi pipi...
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