This is my Angel - Almost 7 months old aready. Naughty and playful puppy, sometimes lazy even when time come to eat. Angel grew too fast I thinks and i am started to miss the time when angel still small and so cute.. but Angel still cute and make me happy..
A Time to Reflect – An Evening at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum
With Thanks… There was a gathering last week at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum,
and […]
The post A Time to Reflect – An Evening at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum...
3 weeks ago
angel ko dah besar..dah leh jadi mummy angel..(female right?) u planning to expand angel family?to have little angels?:)
Bayangkan kalau suda basar ni Te'. Muahahahaa mo kasi mandi, banyak air mo pakai....
ya bah kulin.. mula2 kicil tu shampoo sikit ja pakai, sekarang mo oakai banyak ohh..
Hi Catlina.. no planning yet.. wait until angel big and 'cukup umur' ahahaha..
pakai scarf ka ur angel dis?? she is cute...
haha,...!!! i really thought it was a puppy doll!!! but its a real puppy!! kiut amai ah!!
hello vienne, hi Guz!, yeah wear scarf.. that picture was taken during the christmas party..
hi jej.. bulih kasi kawin ni anjing kita same species, i guess.. tapi mine baru goin 2 3 mths..
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