
Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hey guys.. these are some of my HDR photos i've created. Now, I am using the Photomatix Pro and Photoshop CS3 to do the editing. Sometimes i used Capture NX to tweak some color. Okay, this is the 'BEFORE and AFTER' the editing. See how far the changes have been made to bring big impact to each picture when you present it in HDR.. in the next post i'll show you the more detail techniques to change your photos more dramatically.. Cao'..

BEFORE- This is the shot that won me 2nd Prize, see how flat the photo!

AFTER- The more dramatic photo..


AFTER - See how the footprints on the sand revealed and added more impact that before..


AFTER - I've used Photoshop to dodge and burn the photos to create the light and shadow.

BEFORE - I shot this padlock to demonstrate my friends how to use Photomatix Pro. I just pick up this padlock that just beside me that time..

AFTER - And i turned it to this - See how the usual photos turn to be more impact!

BEFORE - same like the above

AFTER - i've dodged the image to create the light..

Okay.. see you on the next post.. Dont forget to drop some comments on this..


David Nelson said...

fulamak... best la ko punya shot bro... keep up the good work!


John Eddy J said...

TQ.. for the comments..

Anonymous said...

good good..bah bila mo setup business sendiri ni?

John Eddy J said...

i'll wait until u help me to build it anonymous... ehehehe.. aisey.. i will someday and it so sure.. i will set it up.. thanks for the courages...

Anonymous said...

John....best oo...sia pun minat bah pasal mo ambik gambar ni..(in fact, i rather be the photographer than to be photograph)....

-June Vye-

cicak said...

gila lah, blm HDR sudah berabis lawa, pa lagi pas HDR.

keep up the good work :)

Te, buli ni d print bikin pemandangan di bilik. he he he copyright protected kaini?

Anonymous said...

cicak: mana satu ko mo print ni.. kasi tahu sa.. sia kirim ko di email.. ehehehe.. tapi watermark jan buang ahhh.. ahahah